Online Soul-based Coaching Retreat

Go Beyond

'holding on for dear life'.Ā 


Co-create the future that you want -during the biggest changes of our lifetime!

Benefit from StarSister Marcia Wade'sĀ astrological wisdom and Annemiek van Helsdingen's Soul-based Coaching tools.Ā 

Together they bring over 65 years of experience, helping their clients and students navigate life, and will share what's essential now that we arrive at the biggest changes of our lifetime!

September 9th, 4 pm CEST (Europe) / 10 am EDT / 7 am PDT

Now: save ā‚¬75 and join us for free!

Online Soul-based Coaching Retreat

Going Beyond 'holding on for dear life'

Join us for free

Offer valid until Sept 9th - join now and save ā‚¬75


Join Annemiek van Helsdingen (Academy for Soul-based Coaching) and Marcia Wade (StarSister Astrology) for a nourishing 2 hour online retreat.


Ā šŸŒæĀ Marciaā€™s essential astrological guidance for September - December 2024 and beyond,Ā as we move into a further increasing intensity of dissolving structures and reorienting ourselves to what anchors us and gives us directions in this liminal time.

šŸŒæ Annemiek & Marcia's teachings on the essential life skills to navigate the turbulence and curve balls of 2024 and beyond.

šŸŒæ An exquisitely held container to do your personal inner work (fuelled by Soul-based Coaching techniques) so that these essential life skills become embodied and integratedĀ for you to use, by tuning into your own soul's guidance.Ā 

Ā šŸŒæĀ A community of like-mindedĀ soulful humans dedicated to making a difference.


The retreat takes place on September 9th and will be recorded.

Sign me up for the Retreat!

What an enriching experience.. 

"I feel so blessed that I chose to participate in this retreat… So much has come up for healing! And I so appreciate the depth and intimacy that I felt in such a short time. I am deeply touched and continue to process and open to more that comes up."

~ Lori Atkinson, about the Money & Soul Retreat

This has changed everything

"I realise now that, as an attorney, I actually thought money was evil and now, my relationship with money feels so nourishing and freeing. And my dreams for this world matter. Wow.."

~ Annika J. about the Money & Soul Retreat

Your Guides

Between them, Marcia and Annemiek have served over 20.000 people around the world, helping them navigate what life has to offer. Marcia from her in-depth astrological perspective, Annemiek as a long-time coach and the Founder of the Academy for Soul-based Coaching.Ā Ā 

In this retreat they bring their most potent medicine for you to shine.Ā 

Annemiek van Helsdingen


Annemiek is the Founder of the Academy for Soul-based Coaching. Coaching for 25 years, and training coaches since 2006, this work has her heart and soul. She is not interested in coaching that goes through the motions. She wants to see embodied and lasting results for her clients and her coaches. And she knows that when you know the way into your client's soul-knowing, magic happens... And that's exactly what this retreat will give you.


Sigrun Saunderson


Sigrun Saunderson is a Soul-based Coach and a trainer at the Academy. She is convinced that this work is a key that can open the door to inner truth and alignment on a personal level, and on a wider scale, the door to nothing less but peace. This is why she wants to share these skills as widely as possible.


With guest teacher:

Marcia Wade


Marcia Wade grew up in the Deep South of the 1950s and 60s, a world whose ground was shaking from the truth that was speaking to power. As a graduate student exploring the connections between ancient myths and a changing world, she discovered astrology. Forty years later, writing, teaching, and working with clients as the star-gazer at Star Sister Astrology, she’s still listening and looking at the ways the Universe lives inside of us

Sign up here!

I have found sacred work that feels resonant with my experience and inner knowing. 

"I am happy to be here. Watching the intro video brought up so much emotion in me - I feel grateful to have found sacred work that feels resonant with my experience and inner knowing."

~ Laura G. about Soul-based Coaching

It's been truly life-changing for me.

"I cannot say enough how much I've loved this training.. - it's been truly life-changing for me - so supportive in deepening into Self and relating to others and Life - like deep waves that can be felt and continue rippling out...."

~ Linda H about one of our free live trainings

Ride the DragonĀ 

TheĀ five essentialĀ practices

for 2024 and beyond

Sign up here!