In this self-study version of our online training..
.. you learn to transfer your Soul-based Coaching (or Clean Language) skills to group settings, so that you can invoke self-generated, sustainable healing & change in various settings.
Throughout the course, we use these domains as examples:
🌿 women’s circles or spiritual development circles,
🌿 community building contexts, and
🌿 corporate applications
This is a Foundational Group Work training, that helps you develop the skills to bring the incredible power of Yin into your existing groups, or the groups of people you dream of supporting.
I am excited to share from my 25 years of experience in corporate, community as well as spiritual and personal development settings, offering change, learning and community building opportunities for participants.
I love to explore alongside you. Because our world needs your midwifing skills in this great unfolding!
- The course has attention for both online and in-person group settings -

In this online training you will learn:
1. How to set up an effective container for group work, including topics like contracting, how to on-board participants and set them up for success, understanding the steps towards creating a group container that holds powerful energetic work no matter what the context is, and what the levers are that you can use to create a nourishing and effective group experience.
2. Introducing Clean Questions in way that fit the context and support the overall Desired Outcome, so that participants experience deep impact, and you help create a sustainable group culture
3. Utilising metaphor magic in ways that support the group overall purpose and desired outcomes
4. Learn to work drama-Free with Yin as your co-facilitator: set up a ‘clean’ space to work in, learn how to work with interruptions and ‘difficult’ participants. Including facilitator posture & energy.
5. Women’s Circles & spiritual circle work: how to set up Sacred Circle, how to weave your skills & content while leaving the space for Soul-based healing and growth for participants, group dynamics, and the interplay of boundaries and flow
6. Design the Work: how to create a program that sets solid river banks for the Desired Outcome you are working towards
7. Do it: Design a process and then go and facilitate it, learn by doing in a supportive environment, with feedback from Annemiek through our course portal
8. Wrapping up: The importance of culmination, and what does completion look like?
The self-study version does not give you the opportunity to bring the content into practice within the course itself, in the way the live-taught version does. If you want to dive in and develop your facilitation skills while you learn, email us to be invited when the live taught training opens again.
This module works very well for people who have had significant Soul-based Coaching or Clean Language training, and who have worked with groups before.
When you want to bring the power of our work into group settings, want to start now, and have the most cost efficient option, this is a good choice for you.

It's so powerful and transforms people from the inside out!
"I applied everything I learnt in this module immediately with a corporate client that was seeking Leadership Training. Learning live with Annemiek, having her expert eyes on my questions and real life experiences with that group built my confidence and helped me know I could deliver what I was learning in all settings, adapting the versatile exercises to the groups needs and to the topic of the training. Four years on - I'm working with a new Corporate client, bringing in what I've learnt in the Group Work Module. Why? Because it's so so powerful and transforms people from the inside out!”
~ Eimear Stassin

Not just a neat handful I can put in a box..
"I've learned so many things from Annemiek... I've learned how to stay out of the drama triangle and be a resource for others. I've learned how to hold space for the complex unfoldings of learning in a group setting. I've learned the power of presence that is infused with softness and kindness and generosity but also clear boundaries and integrity and commitment to values. I've learned the power of being light and flexible and I've learned many tangible tools that are deeply integrated now in me, that guide me and support me when I am teaching and interacting with people in general."
~ Paloma White

I learned how to create a super-safe space for a group - even online
"Annemiek taught me how to stay completely true to myself while sharing knowledge and how to validate the other’s experience as an important part of their learning process. But most importantly: she taught me how to create a super-safe space for a group of people nearly immediately, a space of ease and joy – even online!"
~ Sigrun Saunderson
Invoke self-generated healing,
growth and change in groups
Annemiek van Helsdingen, founder of the Academy for Soul-based Coaching
For 25 years, I have been on a quest of how to support change for clients. Real, lasting change, aligned with their Soul’s integrity.
Many change methodologies fail. They trample all over our clients’ own deep knowing and do not offer sustainable results.
While working corporate, I found a major key in Clean Language-based methodologies. Very robust and great results. But there was still a missing piece…
Through ongoing auto-immune problems, my Priestess-self became very clear: spirituality is not optional. And only then, everything clicked into place. Soul-based Coaching was born.
No dogma, but an invitation for clients to bring to the table what their heart, soul, body & mind are longing for. And let Shakti, the creative life force that runs through them, take the lead. And the results? They are just magical.
I've been teaching 1000s of coaches in the last 17 years, and helping them support their clients create those sustainable changes.
In this training, I will be sharing from my experience as both an international Clean Language trainer and assessor since 2007 and the 18 yrs of experience of using Clean Language and Soul-based Coaching in real-life and (live) online group settings, across all domains.

Your questions answered
What experience is required to participate?
How is Soul-based Coaching different from Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling?
What if I have no experience in working with groups yet?
What if I have experience in working with groups?
I want to become a trainer - is this for me?
I want to become a better trainer - is this for me?

I have found sacred work that feels resonant with my experience and inner knowing.
"I am happy to be here. I feel grateful to have found sacred work that feels resonant with my experience and inner knowing."
~ Laura G. about Soul-based Coaching

It's been truly life-changing for me.
"I cannot say enough how much I've loved this training.. - it's been truly life-changing for me - so supportive in deepening into Self and relating to others and Life - like deep waves that can be felt and continue rippling out...."
~ Linda H about one of our free live trainings
Let's bring these practical tools and their embedded capacity to change our world and people's lives - one intervention at a time - out to where you want to make a difference!